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Cotonete* & Di Melo
Discos: Soul-Funk


22,27 € impuestos inc.

Ficha técnica Discos

Sello Favorite Recordings
Estilo Soul-Funk
Año de Edición Original 2019


Di Melo (voz)

Cotonete: Paul Bouclier (trompeta, arreglos), Christophe Touzalin (trompeta), Frank Chatona (saxo, arreglos), Benoit Giffard (trombón), Florian Pellissier (teclados), Farid Baha (guitarras), Jean-Claude Kebaili (contrabajo), David Georgelet (batería).

Otros músicos participantes: Amanda Roldan, Cléo Penet y Marie Houillez (coros), Erwan Loeffel (percusión).

Participación especial de: Gabi Di Abade (voz).

Edición en formato Digipack.

Nacido a mediados de los años 2000, el conjunto parisino de jazz-funk, tras un periodo de baja actividad, se reactivó y grabó sus primeros EPs a partir de 2016. Grandes admiradores de la música de los 70 y, en particular, de la música soul-funk brasileña de esos años, grabaron su primer álbum en 2017 junto a la cantante y actriz paranaense Simone Mazzer -una de las revelaciones del 2015 en Brasil con su debú discográfico-. A continuación, durante una gira por Brasil y en busca de nuevas colaboraciones conocieron a Di Melo (Roberto de Melo Santos), cantante y compositor pernambucano, figura mítica del soul brasileño, que también acababa de volver a la actividad musical apenas un año antes. Fascinados con su trabajo pasado y con sus numerosas composiciones inéditas no dudaron en producir este disco con el espléndido resultado que se puede apreciar.

"Born in 1949 in Recife (Brazil), Roberto De Melo Santos, despite a very light discography, is among the true icons of the Brazilian Soul music under his artist alias, Di Melo. He’s indeed only needed an eponymous album, released in 1975 on Odeon, to assert himself as a star in his native country, but also as a legend for all collectors and connoisseurs of the world. More than 40 years after its release, this famous album sells for several hundred euros in its original version, and even for the few reissues that were offered. Not very active since then, Di Melo however returned in 2016 with the album O Imorrível, released on the Brazilian label Casona Produções.
It is then that a year later, came a meeting with the French group Cotonete, that Florian Pellissier, founding member and keyboard within the band tells us about: “On tour in Brazil with Cotonete, we had a few days off in Sao Paulo and I really hoped to make a collaboration with an important artist or band from the Brazilian funk scene. We had thought of Marcos Valle, Meta Meta or Ed Motta... but Rafaela Prestes our Brazilian "sound ingineer/genious" told me she’d worked with Di Melo for his recent comeback and gave me his number. No sooner said than done, as I'm a huge fan of Di Melo. The next day he arrived at our house with Jo, his wife, and Gabi, his daughter. He takes the guitar in front of us and gives us a private show of 3 hours… we cried the tears of joy. He had 400 original songs never recorded, a gold mine. On the same night, we started working the arrangements for 2 days, followed by a rehearsal and two small gigs in Sao Paulo. Immediately after, we recorded in the magical Epsilon B studio. This album is the summary of this moment, of these 5 days of madness spent together between “the best band in the world” and the legend Roberto Di Melo… Simple, beautiful, Brazilian-French, human music…”
Today, Atemporal found its final version in collaboration with Favorite Recordings and is proudly presented as what we believe will become the genuine long-awaited follow-up to the classic Di Melo’s LP."


CD 1
Papos desconexos Part 1
Roberto Di Melo
Papos desconexos Part 2
Roberto Di Melo - Cotonete
DiMelo, Gabi Di Abade & Cotonete
A.E.I.O.U. (Album mix)
Roberto Di Melo - Cotonete
Mulher instrumento Part 1
Florian Pellissier - Roberto Di Melo
Mulher instrumento Part 2
Florian Pellissier - Roberto Di Melo
Canto da Yara
Waldir da Fonseca
Kilario (2019 version)
Roberto Di Melo
Linhas de alinhar
Geraldo Vandré - Roberto Di Melo
Verso e prosa
Roberto Di Melo